Guest Me Me Me-er: Andrea (Train to Crazy)
I’ve got another fun guest for you today. Andrea from The Train to Crazy and I became bloggy friends when we had babies at around the same time last year. I love checking out what sewing she’s been doing for her kids, but let’s see what she’s been doing for Me Me Me:
I’m so honored to be asked to join Me Me Me Month! I’ve enjoyed Narelle’s blog since she started it and I’m so excited to see how much it has grown!
You can find me on The Train To Crazy which is my creative journal. I use it to highlight many of my sewing projects as well as host my favorite weekly blog party, Make It Wear It. I love seeing what others are creating! So many talented sewists, knitters and jewelry designers out there!
I have four. Yes, FOUR little kids so you’ll most often see me showing off little girl and boy outfits that I’ve made. I enjoy working with commercial patterns, boutique patterns and designing my own. You can find my free patterns and tutorials on my blog.
Having been pregnant for the fourth, and final time, I have decided to make over some of my old maternity clothes. You know, the ones you never want to see again after you give birth? Yes, those.
Recently I turned this LARGE maternity shirt into a shirt that actually fits me now.
Stop on by my blog to see what I did! Perhaps you’ll be inspired to spend five minutes to reinvent your own maternity wear!
Drat – I just took a big bag of maternity clothes to the thrift store last week! Stop by The Train to Crazy to see the transformation and have a good look around while you’re there. Thanks again Andrea!