
Picture Frames {Random thing to clean}

Cleaning posts have been few and far between lately – maybe because I’ve been on minimum care and maintenance for too long. We mostly now what routine tasks we need to complete to keep the house tidy – vacuuming, dusting, cleaning the bathrooms. But there’s a million other little jobs that don’t need to be done that often.

Random Things to Clean

Each week, I’m going to pick one of those little jobs and set it as the “Random thing to clean” for the week. It’s a little challenge to get those little jobs done. And maybe if we do it together, we’ll control the chaos that little bit better!

This week’s Random Thing to Clean is….

Picture Frames

…the top of your picture frames.

Random thing to clean (2)

I have this gorgeous photo-gallery on the wall in the kitchen. I love stopping to look at the photos of the kids when I’m passing through.

Random thing to clean (3)

But the tops of those picture frames gather dust. You don’t really notice it until someone touches one, and then I can’t stop looking at the dust.

Random thing to clean (1)

My favourite tool for this job is a microfibre cloth – a quick wipe and the dust is gone.

If you don’t have pictures on the wall, do photo-frames sitting on tables, or maybe the top of the mirror in your bathroom.

Let me know when the job’s done (in the comments or stop by the Facebook page).