
Crochet Turtle

After the early success of Square Man and Long Skinny Dude, I decided to embark on a more ambitious crochet project. There are so many cute crochet toy patterns out there (not to mention all the Amigurami), so after much debate and internet searching, I settled on a Turtle after finding this pattern.

I found a great multi-coloured wool for the turtle shell – Patons Jet in Colour 9, and then used up scraps of wool for the undershell, legs, head and eyes. Here’s the end result:

I probably should have used a more contrasting wool for the eyes.

I haven’t got my crochet hook out in a while (since I started a jacket for myself that I never got around to finishing, and fell into a rut!). What crochet  toys should I make next? Let me know in the comments.

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