
Quick Cleaning Tip Challenge

Cleaning for me is a lot about doing the little things all the time that make the big jobs easier. That’s what my quick cleaning tips series is all about. Some tips are obvious, but when these habits lapse, household tasks get more difficult and so are more likely to be put off for another day. Here’s today’s tip:

Today’s tip is actually a challenge. TURN OFF the cleaning part of your brain once you’ve finished your cleaning tasks.

What does that mean? When I’ve finished a cleaning task, all I can see are things I didn’t do perfectly. Today, for instance, I vacuumed and mopped the floors. I’m sitting at my computer and can see a little piece of grass near the pram and the remnants of a sticky spot near the high chair. I feel disheartened and wonder why I bother. Or I spend the next hour or so with the dustpan and cloth cleaning up minuscule details, and curse how long it takes me to clean.

Now, I’m telling myself to stop the criticism and look at what I’ve achieved – the kitchen floor hasn’t looked this clean in weeks (I’m still blaming being pregnant for my general slackness), there are no signs of crumbs on the rug, and no clutter on the floor. What an achievement!

So when you’ve finished your cleaning tasks for the day, focus on what you’ve achieved and don’t focus on what still needs to be done. Relax and enjoy your mostly clean house!

So much of cleaning is psychological! Do you get disheartened when you haven’t done a perfect job? Let me know in the comments.


  1. Hi there

    Just found you through Trendy Treehouse blog hop, and I’m so glad I did. I’m following you now, so I can come back for a better look at all your yummy recipes!! and what other delights your blog has hidden away!!

  2. Hello,

    I wanted to let you know that I am following you from MBC, “New Bloggers Looking For New Followers” group. I am hoping when you get a chance you can follow me back at http://www.britneysbeautyblog.com and http://www.britneysbeautymark.com. Also, I would love to place a link to your site on my blog if you want to do the same with my blog on yours. Please let me know by sending me an email regarding this and it has been nice meeting you via the web.

    Thanks, Tracey

  3. The answer is yes. I seem to consider myself a failure when I don’t accomplish everything I expect to do. I am so organized at work but at home I tend to let things go. My children are grown and gone and I can’t use that as an excuse!

  4. That’s a good tip I should really take on board! I do exactly the same thing and really shouldn’t. Thanks for the advice 🙂

  5. Returning the follow… glad I did! I’ll be back to read more during nap time.

    Have a great day and weekend!

  6. I use cleaning tool, but I don’t think my house really gets clean. Stopping from SITS!

  7. I’m a total perfectionist who lives with four not-so-tidy people. It’s a constant struggle to just let things go when I see something that needs to be put away. I can (a) kill myself trying to have everything in its place, (b) drive my husband and children crazy with my nagging, or (c) let it go and live in the moment. I’ve been trying to choose (c) more often.

    SITS visiting & blog following. Peace. 🙂

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