Six Pillars of Self-Nurturing
Last year, May was Me Me Me month. I was going to do the same this year, but it just didn’t feel right. Me is the last thing I’ve been thinking of, and my head just wasn’t in the right space. It’s the usual story – two small kids, a husband and a home to look after – where is the time for me?
Is it really that bad?
I have a great life, great home, great family, so I don’t want to complain.
- I haven’t exercised since my son was born more than 3 years ago!).
- I’ve only had one haircut since my daughter was born (more than 18 months ago!).
- Since I stopped nursing, my weight has crept up – just a few kilos but enough for my clothes not to fit well.
- I live in my Mum uniform – jeans, T-shirt and a ponytail – it’s not a bad look, but I’m not making a lot of effort and it shows…
- Crafting has even fallen by the wayside with my sewing machine and craft supplies packed away until the end of the month.
End result:
And when not feeling so good about myself, I turn to “treats” to spoil myself (why, why do I think that’s going to help!)
With a fresh start in a new city, it’s time to look after myself better. Here’s my 6 step plan to nurture myself:
- Exercise – starting small and working around family life, I’m going for short jogs on a Sunday morning (did I really run a half marathon a few years back?). I’m also using EA Sports Active 2 on PS3 (and my kids love exercising along with me), and have enrolled in an evening yoga class. I’m exhausted just thinking about it, but I know in few months I’ll have lots more energy!
- Pampering – I’ve had a haircut! (I hate finding a new hairdresser – not sure I’ll stick with the one I went to.) I’m taking 5 minutes to put a bit of make up on each day. I’m mixing up my hairstyle – leaving it down some days (and trying to stop Little Miss from pulling it), and trying different up-styles rather than just the standard ponytail. Thanks for the inspiration, Pinterest!
- Cooking – We bought a Thermomix (more on that another day!), and this has inspired me to get back in the kitchen (really wishing all my cookbooks weren’t in boxes!). It’s back to basics cooking and familiar recipes so far. I know it’s not everyone’s thing, but it makes me feel like I’m nurturing myself and my family.
- Learning – I’m the “eternal student”. I’m happiest when I’m learning. I’m teaching myself pattern design and reading up on different sewing skills (even though I can’t put them to use just yet!).
- Creating – The learning is getting my creative juices flowing again, and I’m started to plan out what I want to sew when we’re settled. I have so many ideas and putting (really bad) sketches on paper is inspiring me.
- Space – When you’re always surrounded by other people, it’s easy to forget yourself. Going for jogs gives me a bit of my own space, and I’m looking for ways to create small amounts of space during the day. My husband (with help from my MIL) also kindly gave me a long weekend away as a birthday present. This weekend (and inadvertently over Mother’s Day – oops!), I’m going to spend my first nights away from my kids – I’m nervous, but so excited for the break!
I’m devising strategies to keep the focus and I’ll share one of my tricks soon!
Are you looking after yourself? What do you do to get yourself back on track when you’ve stopped nurturing yourself? What are your pillars of self-nurturing? Let me know in the comments.
It is so hard to forget about looking after ourselves, isn’t it?
I try to make time for coffee with the girls regularly which helps us all take an hour for ourselves!
I think we all go through Blah stages. It is great to see you fighting back!!!
I read a trick in the book Flourish by Martin Seligman- take time every day to find three exciting/joyful/positive things in your life. It really has made such a difference for me. Sometimes it’s as simple as noticing the beautiful lorakeets that sometimes fly past our window some times. I find even if the days of non-crafting, non-exercise and the never ending “Mummy uniform” stretch on longer than I would like, actively remembering the positives keeps me feeling OK about myself and the world.
Thanks Maryanne. I have the book Flourish somewhere – I think I need to find it and have another read.