Flummery Dessert
I used Aeroplane Strawberry jelly, and Carnation Creamy Evaporated Milk. I think my Mum used to use the Lite and Creamy milk for a lower calorie/fat version.
It was a light and fluffy, mousse like dessert, and took about 10 minutes to prepare (not including refrigeration time). I found it quite sweet, and think I’ll try it with only one packet of jelly crystals next time, although I’m not sure if it will set as well. It actually made enough for 4 martini glasses plus three medium-sized ramekins, so it was dessert for two nights. I definitely recommend giving it a go.
What desserts take you back to your childhood? What are your quick and easy, but fancy looking, desserts for dinner parties?
Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Love your blog.