
Pretty Pink Felt Cake

The next Christmas present I have to show you is a Pretty Pink Felt Cake made for my 2 year old niece.


It’s from the book Big Little Felt Universe, that has the cutest felt toy patterns (and something for everyone).


I’m not a big fan of hand-sewing, and there was no way around it with this one. It was too cute not to make. The book is a little light on details for the inexperienced hand-sewist, but thankfully there is the blogosphere to help me out! After I’d sewn for a while, I started to get my rhythm and it went quickly.


I have enough felt to make one for my kids too, but at the rate I’m going, it probably won’t be done until my daughter’s birthday in October (actually, that sounds like a reasonable goal with everything going on in my life at the moment!).


The cake from the book included almost every fruit under the sun to top the cake, but that was way more than my crafting time allowed. I think my niece likes the cake though – she brought every piece over to show us the last time we chatted on Skype!

What is you favourite felt food creation?

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